The Casey County Health Department (CCHD) is a part of the Lake Cumberland District Health Department. The district is comprised of ten counties. We were accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board on March 14, 2017, with review for renewal every five years. We are very proud of our organization, board and staff.
At the Casey County Health Department, our mission is to prevent illness and injury, promote good health practices, and assure a safe environment to protect and improve the health of our communities.
We provide clinic-based and community based services such as WIC Food Program, STD testing and treatment, shots/immunizations, HANDS, environmental services health education services and (diabetes education/assistance, teen pregnancy prevention education, tobacco prevention and cessation). As well as case, management for substance use through our Comprehensive Addiction Referral Education (CARE) program
You can find out more about our programs by visiting the district website at:
Categories: Health Department, Medical Care, Wellness Services
Tags: environmental services, parenting pregnancy and children, Public Health, wellness services